Comments on: Mexico City’s new solar power plant is ‘largest of its kind in the world’ Mexico's English-language news Fri, 23 Feb 2024 14:22:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dwight Bailey Fri, 23 Feb 2024 14:22:35 +0000 Just think of the heat these panels reflect back. This is happening all over the world.

By: Rolf Thu, 22 Feb 2024 18:48:36 +0000 I disagree, It should be about both, the money and all other concerns. If you waste money, then you do not have enough to do other important environmental and social projects. This article does imply that a lot of money was wasted here. Surely corruption involved.

By: Rolf Thu, 22 Feb 2024 18:48:16 +0000 In reply to Pat Allen.

I disagree, It should be about both, the money and all other concerns. If you waste money, then you do not have enough to do other important environmental and social projects. This article does imply that a lot of money was wasted here. Surely corruption involved.

By: Pat Allen Thu, 22 Feb 2024 12:46:08 +0000 I see most of the comments are about money. Mexico City had the distinction of having the most toxic air in the world at one time. This project reduces the carbon footprint which should be of concern to everyone living here. It’s not always just about money.

By: Hendrik Keus Thu, 22 Feb 2024 05:04:28 +0000 In reply to John Genereux.

Thanks, didnt see yr reply until I posted mine. I saw they had to make adjustments to the roofs which increases the total costs.

By: Hendrik Keus Thu, 22 Feb 2024 04:58:58 +0000 The cost of 1 kwh is about 11 cents or 1.888 pesos. At 25 gigawatt hours per year that would be 50 million pesos or 2.7 million USD per year value in production. The 3.5 million pesos could be the actual savings per year after repaying the investment. It says below “direct savings” which should be savings after costs.

La Planta Solar tendrá capacidad para generar 25 gigawatts hora anuales, lo que representa alrededor del 30% del consumo total de electricidad de la CEDA, lo que representa un ahorro directo para el Fideicomiso de la Central de Abasto (FICEDA), de 3.5 millones de pesos al año.

By: John Genereux Thu, 22 Feb 2024 03:54:05 +0000 Mr. Nowak knows better. The cost per watt of this system ($34,500,000/32,000/500) is about $2.2 per watt.

This is expensive. It should be done, today, for under $1.50. Still, it will produce energy at a cost of about 5 cents per kwh, or less than any coal or gas plant. All urban power generation should be solar and, if cleverly done, need very little new infrastructure or new substations.

Finally, Mexico City used an existing locale for a large power plant that takes up almost new space. If you can’t cheer about that, you might consider changing your brand of tequila.

By: John Genereux Thu, 22 Feb 2024 03:51:13 +0000 Mr. Nowak knows better. The cost per watt of this system ($34,500,000/32,000/500) is about $2.2 per watt.

This is expensive. It should be done, today, for unde4 $1.50. Still, it will produce energy at a cost of about 5 cents per kwh, or less than any coal or gas plant.

That being said, Mexico City used an existing locale for a large power plant that takes up almost new space. If you can’t cheer about that, you might consider changing your brand of tequila.

By: Scot Nowak Thu, 22 Feb 2024 02:04:11 +0000 Let me get this straight. It cost $35 million US to build and will save $205 thousand US per year.
That means it will only take 170 years to pay for itself! Typical government waste.

By: Thu, 22 Feb 2024 01:47:42 +0000 Great news!
