Comments on: Is Mexico getting too expensive too fast? Mexico's English-language news Wed, 22 May 2024 18:50:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Norman Smith Wed, 22 May 2024 18:50:23 +0000 In reply to

We’ve been going to MX since the mid 80’S. Mainly the west coast. Most recently Punta Perula for the past 5 years. The prices for everything has doubled, tripled,or risen at least 25%. Perula doesn’t even have a bank, nor an ATM. The Cartel has taken over, running mom and pop stores out. 3 yrs ago there was a OXXO built. This last year there are two, and a KIOSKO. There’s a new high end hotel(2yrs old) and the rates start at $150US, and advertised on Expedia. Another is nearing completion. The little posadas and private hotels are fading away, and real estate is being bought up by corporate entities. The happy hours are gone along with the $3 margaritas, and $5 plates of enchiladas. Our building where we stayed for $30 US/day was bought up by a developer from Bucerias. The smell of sewer is everywhere. The wifi is marginal at best, the electricity and water systems are maxed out. But more houses are being built. It’s not a quiet, little fishing village anymore. But a loud party town with lots of motorcycles, atvs, dune buggies, and big trucks hauling rocks. We saw what happened to Melaque and stopped going there after 20yrs. WE thought Perula would take a long time. We were wrong. The big malecon was built in Perula about 4 years ago, and has been heavily promoted on you-tube. As the saying goes”you build it and they will come”. They came…… we’ve left, and won’t be going back. Such is inflation in Mexico. The middle class is growing and the rich, get richer

By: Steve May Wed, 22 May 2024 17:50:12 +0000 In reply to Lynell Wellman.

Exactly! The current US administration is encouraging the free flow of Mexicans and others with no qualification requirements. No wonder there is a shortage of unskilled labor in Mexico.

By: Skooby Wed, 22 May 2024 16:53:55 +0000 Some of the BEST restaurants and street vendors in CDMX are still making a killing because they still have big portions and didn’t raise the price, and the food is good. Those are the only places I go now. There’s always a line.

By: Linda luck Wed, 22 May 2024 16:30:07 +0000 Restaurants in SMA hurting badly right now. Partly due to gross excess of restaurant build up in past decade.
Partly due to costs being equivalent to US in many cases and SMA snowbirds are motivated by two things: good weather and affordability…..connect the dots.

By: Wed, 22 May 2024 15:40:54 +0000 In reply to T..

True. Prices in SMA similar to Metro NY. We snowbirds are eating out a lot less often. Most of this seems less about rising prices and more about rate of exchange.

By: Chiapas Traveler Wed, 22 May 2024 03:31:12 +0000 In reply to

sort of agree . . . add to this environment the amount of US Dollars $$$ flowing back from the US to families in Mexico . . . what I fear though is that Mexico is “cuddling up” to China for the belief that Mexico’s standard of living will rise . . . unfortunately one only needs to look at China’s “Belt & Road ” GRIP on Africa, or that Pacific port in Peru where the contract turns over port control from Peru to China . . . oh, and how about the Mexican honey industry being destroyed by Chinese “honey” ( sure, Chinese “honey” and shipping to Mexico is cheaper than the real thing . . . )

By: Chiapas Traveler Wed, 22 May 2024 03:20:41 +0000 In reply to Mark O’Neill.

. . . oh Mark, please . . . you are sounding like one of those graduates from a “poison ivy league” indoctrination mill . . . government has become a leaking faucet of resources, instead of providing value added services governement is nothing more than a ‘JOBS PROGRAM” failing to maintain the services & infrastructure those subject bureacracies were designed to provide . . . because of guys like you . . .

By: T. Tue, 21 May 2024 20:28:24 +0000 In reply to California Traveler.

Low wages is more cost effective than costly machinery. But as wages go up, the cost of a productive piece of machinery goes down. What cost more, 1 back hoe for a day or 10 men with shovels for a week? What is the cost of an added 6 days of production? You do the math and make a decision.
Garbage is something I have to agree with the daily pick up. Being in a hot humid climate with loose dogs and an endless supply of topical bugs, I would hate to think what the garbage and sanitary situation would be like if garbage was left to sit for 6 days? And Cables, 300 cables pulling in every direction keeps the poles up. Come on, you have to see the logic in this (:

By: William Mullins Tue, 21 May 2024 19:25:40 +0000 In reply to Mark O’Neill.

Compared to what? Mexicans pay way less taxes and get about the same level of service. Been to a DMV lately? No government is always a bad buy. It would be ok if they stuck to what they were meant for (I’m speaking of the US now) and not putting their hands in all our pockets. Just returned from California, gas was over 6.50 a gallon of which 75% was taxes, guess what, their roads are as bad as some I’ve been on in Mexico. Maybe you’re better off not going to public indoctrination camps otherwise known as schools.

By: T. Tue, 21 May 2024 16:29:44 +0000 Expats with residency living off of USD or Snowbirds living in Mexico 6 months a year will be the ones that noticed the largest difference. 1-2 Vacationers will still return and not care about the higher cost as it is still less than staying at home, unless you go to Cabo, PV or Cancun. They will do a comp, Vacation in Florida, ski in Colorado, go to Hawaii or go to Mexico. If economics is a factor, they will go to Mexico. For us that are trying to Live in Mexico, our purchasing $ has been hurt. What gives first is luxury items. Not a bad thing. Fine dining, $200 for two vs 1/2 kg of Carnitas to go for $10.
