Comments on: Peso Pluma and narcocorridos – good, bad, or simply a reality society doesn’t want to face? Mexico's English-language news Tue, 21 May 2024 18:48:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: William Mullins Tue, 21 May 2024 18:48:43 +0000 Just like all media. No one is putting guns to heads to buy it or listen to it. There are plenty of American songs glorifying violence, crime and worse. Its like the hysteria over video games a few decades back. If you play violent games all the sudden you turn into an homicidal maniac. Sorry most people including sub-adults know the difference. It is a very slippery slope to outright bans of music, literature, games, etc… that don’t meet a group of people’s standards and morals to banning political speech for example. I say no to all censorship with the exception of pornography which has documented mental repercussions.

Do a double blind study on Narco music, see if it causes people to join the cartels?

By: MND Staff Mon, 20 May 2024 10:40:46 +0000 Great insight! I hadn’t realized both genres talk about the same thing. That’s so interesting.

By: Bethany Platanella Sat, 18 May 2024 18:55:11 +0000 In reply to US.

Thank you for reading. You make a good case. However, in terms of the the lyrics themselves, hip hop since the 90s has talked outright about murder (on purpose), rape (on purpose), illegal weapons, drug use, drug trade, and promoted anti-government, anti-police, pro-gang activity during a time when violence was, indeed, ripping apart many sections of US cities. The drugs that were being sold, traded, and glorified were coming from or through the very cartel state that’s been aforementioned. In short, I believe it’s all cut from the same cloth.

By: US Sat, 18 May 2024 16:15:00 +0000 I’m not sure if this question is rhetorical or not.

Most of the gangsta rap in the 90’s was fiction, posturing, PR, or just outright BS. Not all of it, but almost all of it.
To the extent that any of it was based on reality, what was the worst of the violence of that reality? Gangs or dealers killing other gangs or dealers (and later other rappers) in some corner of LA or Brooklyn. The worst that they do–which is still quite bad–is killing some innocent people in a driveby with the stray bullets.

Narcos kill innocent people indiscriminately and ON PURPOSE. They wipe out entire villages and they’ve made virtually the entire country unsafe and ungovernable. Mexico is a cartel state and with maybe two more terms of a hands-off president like AMLO and parties accepting donations from traffickers, it’s going to turn into a failed state.
The only thing propping up Mexico is the fact that it has tons of trade and foreign influence propping up the economy and political system.

And that’s just the overt violence against Mexicans, that doesn’t even get into the inhumane treatment of immigrants and modern slavery.

Hip hop violence never came close to destroying entire towns let alone the entire United States political and criminal justice system or any of the rest of this.

This would be like listening to a paean to Pol Pot in Cambodia and then someone asking “Is this any different than what I listened to in middle school?”

Yes–it’s obviously different. By orders of magnitude.
