Comments on: Is Mexico’s best hangover cure a rusa or a suero? Mexico's English-language news Sat, 04 May 2024 17:25:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sat, 04 May 2024 17:25:50 +0000 for your information:
Lime is a completely different citrus fruit. What you are referring to is a Green Lemon not Lime. I understand that most Americans and Canadians are unaware. This is a good article and perfect moment to educate the audience. In Mexico we have green lemons (not limes), yellow lemons, and another fruit altogether named Lima (lime), which is closer to the die of an orange mostly greenish/yellow with a strong fragrant smell and not bitter like a green lemon. In fact you can sometimes find juice carts that will sell you a full glass of lime juice and it’s delicious. Let’s not anglicize our fruit too!
